Take an Eerie Walk Through the Empty Streets of Amsterdam, San Francisco, and New York City | Colossal

Source: Take an Eerie Walk Through the Empty Streets of Amsterdam, San Francisco, and New York City | Colossal


This Too Shall Pass

Madison County, Virginia


Like a late spring snow.


From my window, as I work remotely in semi-quarantine, I can see the red tulips coming up around the dogwood where they have bloomed for each of the last 20+ years. Wedding gifts, we planted them, along with a lot of other hopeful things, when we had so much to look forward to.

These photos were all taken in March snows that came to Virginia in all the past 10 years, all but this year. We had no real snows this year. Maybe that’s the new normal.

But the tulips and the dogwoods will continue to bloom. Next year, and the next. Maybe long after we’re gone.


Red Hill, Virginia




Advance Mills, Virginia




Burtonville, Virginia




Scuffletown, Virginia




Southern Albemarle County, Virginia







Social Distancing Practice


Practicing my Social Distancing skills with a bunch of escaped renegade Daffodils. Some Paper White Narcissus will soon follow, then we’ll have our own posse.

At least it’s Spring, and the cold grey dismal is almost over.














Covid-19 Project #1 – Porch Rail

Scottsville, Virginia

Need to make five of these railings, one for each bay. Had enough wood laying around to do one. But hey, that’s one! Plenty of other things to do to keep busy for weeks, if it comes to that.


postcards from the road