
Gannet takes it’s spot in the shed.


The Gannet is too big to fit through the door to the basement, I knew that already, and Terri is using some of that space as her studio now, anyway (she has a show coming up in March, yay!).

So for now, the Melonseeds have given up their place of privilege in the shed, and are parked on the trailer under a tarp arrangement, enough to provide some reasonable protection I hope, and the Gannet has moved inside.

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Dave Lucas, Helen Marie, and the New Project

Helen Marie 


Beaufort is about halfway to Bradenton, Florida, land of Dave Lucas and his band of merry boat builders. So this trip offered a good opportunity to make a quick raid on “Sure It’s Wood” Forest to abscond with the new boat project (about which more presently). But doing it in a day meant leaving before daylight and returning long after dark, with only a brief visit in between.


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optimistic trailer


We’re heading south for Beaufort, SC, to visit family in what’s becoming our typical chaotic fashion. Multiple cars, overlapping schedules, etc.. The girls left at 4am from another city. Christmas Eve, we’ll be driving most of the night hauling this empty trailer while Santa makes his rounds. Less than 48 hours later, after a bit of musical vehicles, a different mix of us will return. I’ll stay longer, but plan to make a mad dash to Tampa and back before heading for home. Zaniness.

If it all works out, I’ll return with another boat project in tow. Just what we need! That will make a total of five craft in one form or another that can carry sail.

Mmm. Maybe I should think about this a bit more.