March Snow ~ Reprise

Flowering Quince 


With power returned, proper attention can be paid to the material. Here are re-do’s of photos, and snips from those days with nothing to do but look and listen.

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Filament Mind


Vimeo Link

“Whenever any Wyoming public library visitor anywhere in the state performs a search of the library catalog from a computer, Filament Mind illuminates that search in a flash of color and light through glowing bundles of fiber optic cables. Each of the 1000 fiber optic cables hanging above (totaling over 5 miles of cable) corresponds to a call number in the Dewey Decimal System, which organizes the library’s collection into approximately 1000 categories of knowledge.”



Ex Ex Libris Opening



The show opening last night at The Bridge was a great success. Steady traffic all night, many folks showing up before the doors officially opened, and staying well past closing. Some local art bloggers and collectors in attendance.


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