Kinsale ~ Sailing and History

In 1813, a handful of lightly armed vessels, sent down from defenses at Baltimore, confronted British warships out in the Bay and were cornered here in the Yeocomico. It did not go well.










Morning is clear and warm, with a light steady breeze out of the West.  It will be hot today.

Several of the boats are out in the creek already, or working their way downriver. Doug’s new Marsh Cat is not yet finished, so he’s sailing the second Melonseed. From the beach I can see Caesura’s tanbark sail glowing and gliding against the bluegreen treeline in the distance. Then I, too, am off.

Continue reading “Kinsale ~ Sailing and History”

Janes Island ~ Bright Sun, Big Wind

Harris at the tiller of Mabu 


Unlike last time we were here, there is no argument over which direction we’ll go today: North. The wind will continue out of the Northwest – sensible in the morning but build steadily throughout the day to something very unsensible. I’ve always heard old sailors say the wind is strongest on the backside of a cold front. This prediction bears that out.

Based on the forecast, I plan to explore the marshes inside Janes Island in the Melonseed, staying clear of big water, but Harris suggests I ride with him. He has a sparkling new Caledonia Yawl, Mabu, bulit by Geoff Kerr of Two Daughters Boatworks in Maine. Sounds good to both of us. I’ll be free to take photos again, and he might like two sets of hands when the wind pipes up, especially in a new ride. Continue reading “Janes Island ~ Bright Sun, Big Wind”

Marsh Cat For Sale (sold)

at St. Michaels, Maryland 


(edit: Word from Ned is this boat now has a new owner, congrats to both.)

I’ve been writing about Marsh Cats a lot lately. The boat I sailed aboard for the Chesapeake Float to Smith Island was Pete Peter’s Marsh Cat Obadiah. Magnificent boat.

Also on that trip were Kevin McDonald in his Marsh Cat little t – the same boat that he and Mike Wick sailed from the Florida Keys to Dry Tortugas. Twice.

And also on that trip was Joe Manning in his new Marsh Cat Makani.

Another regular of these trips is Doug Oeller and his Marsh Cat Comfort, though he brought new boat this year.

These Marsh Cats have appeared consistently on all the extended camping trips and events I’ve attended over the years, and they never cease to impress me. Big, stable, comfortable, and fast. Perfect camper expedition boats, especially when you want to explore shallow creeks and shorelines, and roomy enough to camp aboard for several days at a time.



Continue reading “Marsh Cat For Sale (sold)”

Manokin River Evening ~ Video

evening on Wolftrap Creek, Manokin River 

 direct Youtube link


Afternoon into evening. Sailing up narrow creeks and back out into broad bays. Beautiful sailing in a fresh breeze.

Rafted up for the evening, then anchoring out for the night.

The next morning all head back to Janes Island to haul out and head home.



Manokin River Afternoon ~ Video

Up the Manokin River

direct Youtube link


Spirited run up the Manokin River from Teague Creek. A downwind run in 12-15 knots.

All afternoon the Coast Guard broadcasted alerts of a vessel in distress.



Manokin River Afternoon

Pete guides Obadiah downwind 


From Teague Creek to Wolftrap Creek is a distance of less than 4 miles, but it’s a fun 4 miles. By the end of lunch break the wind has picked up. Herds of white caps are galloping upriver. The wind and the tide are not yet at odds, so instead of choppy and bucking it’s a smooth gallop.


Continue reading “Manokin River Afternoon”

Manokin River Morning ~ Video


direct Youtube link 

Sailing from Janes Island up the Manokin River. The video above is from the first part of the day.