First strip planks in place
After two months of careful preparation, it’s crazy how fast the planking goes up, and how quickly what was only abstract art becomes a physical boat.
An extra set of hands, like those of a daughter home from college, really help. When those hands have to go back to school, you have to improvise. These snug fitting “fingers” hold the gluey strips in place as you work your way back with the staple gun.
A dab of hot glue helps now and then, too.
There’s a hollow entry at the bow. The strips make compound twists and bends here, and will require some creative clamping to cooperate. I expect to need wet towels and a heat gun before it’s all done. For now, a ratchet strap works fine.
If all goes well, half the planks might be on by the end of the coming weekend.
melonseed skiff, mellonseed skiff, melon seed, mellon seed
Your work is exceptional!
Is there any possibility of asking you a few questions about your building process?
Sure thing. I’ll be in and out of contact for a while, but send them on and I’ll reply soon as I can.