A dozen or so handmade wooden sailboats gather every spring at an old steamboat landing on the Piankatank River, a tidal river on the Chesapeake Bay. Sailors in the Old Bay Club of the Traditional Small Craft Association meet up with builders from the Deltaville Maritime Museum to camp and sail and admire beautiful craftsmanship.
Seen here are Caledonia Yawls, a Sooty Tern, Chesapeake Sharpie Crabbing Skiff, Melonseed, Matinicus Peapod, and a Herreshoff Coquina. As well as a few notable power boats of crabbers and fishermen.
Barry, I’m now not long retired and have taken up ship model building. This great idea fell upon me: build a scale model of my Melonseed skiff. Chapelle used a 1:8 scale for a drawing size of approx. 19″, and so is the model. I printed out sheets from the Chapelle drawing found online. With a little scissor work I had the shape of all my ribs and so on. I used a 7¼ 60T blade to mill my Western Red Cedar to 1×2.7mm strips, which is scale. Anyway I thought you’d be interested in the project. I will send some photos if you’d like. I much enjoy your photos my friend. Thanks
Wow, those are some teeny tiny strips! Yes, I’d love to see the model in progress, as well as when you’re done.
So Barry, I’m thinking these links will pull up photos. Thanks for your interest. Today I start fairing the hull. It’s very nostalgic because the steps are the same except in miniature. https://photos.app.goo.gl/gRSU3375kyncxJ7S7