To Sotterley Creek

 video, the sail to Sotterley Creek

Back at the beach Kevin B, freshly escaped from civilization and its discontents, was prepping Slip Jig. The Navigator was quickly launched, in the water and ready to go. That left Mike and his Haven 12 1/2, saved for last to eke out every inch of the rising tide.

It’s crazy that he can haul this boat behind a little Subaru Forrester. The boat looks bigger than the car, but it works. A tongue extension on the trailer helps get to deepish water, and six of us are able to shoulder it off pretty easily. Everybody’s in.

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Broomes Island

 Broomes Island from the water


Why the long previous explanation? Well, on Thursday, for the first half the group, the vacation started as soon as we passed through the bent and rusty gate at Broomes Island. It was pretty clear that no one was going to get ruffled about anything.

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Patuxent Preview

Broomes Island in the Patuxent River


What a terrific trip. A variety of sailing conditions in beautiful weather, and the scenery was outstanding.

We came back with a lot of good photos and video. It will take a while to go through them all, but here’s a taste of what’s coming.


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Sassafras River ~ Video

Sassafras River sailing.


* Update 6/22/12 – Someone on the WoodenBoat forum noticed something I didn’t. Keep an eye on the foreground during the opening credits. It comes right out of the surf. In the parts I edited out I can tell I almost stepped on it. – BL

Still trying to get the hang of sailing with two hands and working the camera with a third. Can’t seem to do either particularly well at once.

This covers two days. The first full day, starting with beaching on the sand spit, ending with rafting up in Turner’s Creek.

The next day, though it spanned maybe seven hours of sailing, kept all three hands full beating upwind, sitting up on the side rail most of the time. Only got brave enough to grab a couple of short clips. Must start attaching the camera to things, or bringing more hands.




Sailing the Sassafras

Easing in at end of day. 


There’s video from this trip still to come.  I’ll try to get that up in the next day or so. Still trying to catch up from 10 days of travel.

Kevin Brennan spent a long time researching a good launch point for this trip, and really nailed it with Turner’s Creek. The ramp is wide and well maintained, in a sheltered cove, with good parking and necessary facilities at hand. It’s also secluded and quiet, with very little traffic other than watermen and a few locals.

Continue reading “Sailing the Sassafras”